Our Beef

This past fall, my husband and I were talking.  We were tired of taking our yearling cattle to the auction and accepting whatever price buyers were paying that day, only for them to go to a feed lot and receive growth hormones and antibiotics the second they walked off the trailer.  After all, here at Crooked Lake Farm, our animals do not receive any growth hormones and only receive antibiotics when medically necessary.  I did my research and decided to begin direct marketing the beef we produce.  We finish, or fatten, the animal up on our farm, and then take it to a local processor.  The meat is aged for 14 days and then cut and wrapped.  We are certified by Alberta Health as a food storage facility, and consumers are able to purchase frozen meat from the farm, by the cut, just like the grocery store.  Currently, we are only able to sell within the Province of Alberta.

To view our price lists and where to find our beef visit: www.crookedlakefarm.com

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